Friday, June 27, 2014

Update on my Betta Babies. Pics!!

here are some updated pics of all my betta babies.
Here is Kaosu when I first got her in March at 4 months old and now. She is coloring up very nicely.
Her tail in the current pic is growing back after an unsuccessful and violent breeding attempt. I love the Dark orange-red she is getting.


Here is Sekihan, got him around the same time as Kay. He is the bad boy that beat her up. He started out mostly cellophane with red marbling and quickly filled in with the red a few weeks after he arrived as you can  see in the before pic. Now he is even more red!


Next is Spike. He hasn't changed much yet. I got him only a month ago. I have tried to breed him a couple of times, but he isn't getting the bubble nest part.


This is my latest girl. I got her last week. I haven't named her yet. Any suggestions welcome. She is beautiful shimmery turquoise blue-green color.

Until Next Time, Peace, Love and Süßwasser--April R

Monday, June 2, 2014

Breeding my bettas, Two Marble Half Moon Plakats Spawn Log

Kaosu (female marble HMPK) x Sekihan (male red marble HMPK)

I have spawned these two once before, with great initial success. It was practically text book how it went, a little nipping and chasing, but Seki bubble nested, they embraced, and he tended his eggs perfectly. Especially considering it was the first time for both of them. However, 3 weeks later, all the fry died due to a fungal outbreak and me not realizing what was going on until it was too late. Totally my fault. I tried feeding them freeze dried baby brine shrimp, and it is my suspicion that it didn't get eaten and caused the fungus. I know better now. I have the baby brine shrimp eggs, have hatched a few practice cultures, and I also have vinegar eels and fairy shrimp eggs for when they get a bit larger.

All that aside, I did try to breed them again about 2 weeks ago, but I do not think that either of them were ready to try again. So I have been conditioning them for almost a month now. I have Seki in a separate tank next to Kaosu, with a cardboard divider to keep them out of the line of sight most of the day, but I do let them have flirting time for an hour each day. I also have my crown tail male Spike in the same tank behind a mostly covered divider with Kaosu to keep her hormones racing. She is getting mighty fat and full of eggs. As soon as my in-laws and family are gone (can't freking wait, my in-laws are crazier than me) after visiting for my hubby's graduation, I am going to try my couple try again. If it doesn't work this third time, I am going to condition Kaosu to spawn with Spike to try and get some comb tails.

Below are pics of Sekihan, the red marble male and Kaosu, the orange, white, navy blue marble female. I expect some very interesting babies from this pairing if I can manage not to lose them all this time!

Here is my set up, completely cleaned the tank, added more artificial plants than last time and some home made betta tubes. Kay is in there in a glass mason jar, and Seki is busy flaring at her and swimming over to the half cup and back, but no bubble nest yet. Last time they spawned successfully he had a large nest going before they embraced. So I am going to wait for the nest before I allow Kay to swim free in the tank. Hopefully it will only take a day or two more. Seki is violent so I don't want to risk Kay any bodily harm more than necessary if Seki isn't ready for her yet. 

Until Next Time, Peace, Love and Süßwasser! -_-April R