Thursday, July 3, 2014

(Pics Added) Betta Spawn Log: Halfmoon Male X Halfmoon Female

  Long story short, since I don't feel like typing it all up right now. The last two times I tried typing this up the computer logged out and ate my post .........

I introduced Sekihan into the breeding tub yesterday afternoon with Bubbles in her jar. Lots of flaring, she had really intense breeding stripes, I could tell they were extremely interested in each other. This was her first time, his 4th attempt with another female, the first of which was the only successful time I have gotten my bettas to spawn. The fry did not survive due to a mass die off at a few days old. I am going to be extra militant with my water changes this go around if I am lucky enough to get any fry from this.

Skip to this morning at 10am. I release Bubbles into the tank and she immediately started chasing Sekihan around. I think at first he was surprised because my other female Kaosu was so docile. I covered the tank with a black shirt to give them privacy and to keep myself frm bugging them with peeking and taking pics. I do have two videos, one from yesterday and one from when I released her. I will get those uploaded ASAP.

I checked on them at 5pm, and there were already eggs! Those buggers had spawned in less than 12 hours and I missed it. Seki was busy guarding the nest while Bubbles looked like she has been through a paper shredder in the middle of a hurricane. I immediately removed her and placed her in her home tank with antibacterial medicine and salt to recover and left Seki to himself in the breeding tub. I dosed the breeding tub with anti fungal meds and covered it back up.

I just checked on him at 11:00pm before bed and his tiny bubble nest was quickly deteriorating and the whole tub bottom was littered with what looks like hundreds of eggs. I am praying that he gets a new larger nest built soon and the eggs back where they belong. He is a good daddy from what I could tell from the first time he successfully spawned so I have confidence in him.

I will get the pics of the eggs in the nest and the videos of their courtship up soon. Have a great weekend!!!
Peace, Love, and Süßwasser

Edit: below are the pictures of Sekihan and Bubbles in the tank and Sekihan tending to his eggs afterwards. Also, the last few pics are of Bubbles as she looks like today, she is pretty beat up. Just a word of caution to those of you who haven't bred bettas before. More often than not one or both of your beloved babies will look like shredded cheese after the spawn, so please do not spawn your bettas if you aren't prepared to endure the sight of your fish being torn up and are not prepared to nurse them back to health. Sometimes fish even die as the result of a particularly violent spawning
                                                           Day 1 7/2/2014

                                                                 Day 2 7/3/2014


                                                                 Day 3 7/4/2014

                                                          Bubbles in home tank on Day 3



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